
Friday, March 16, 2012


Hospitality that’s my theme for this year. I believe as Christian women we are commanded by God to be hospitable, to open our homes and hearts to others, to be a servant to others. One of the ways I am trying to be more hospitable this year is that I’m trying to invited a different family each month over to the house for dinner. So far we are in our third month and our third family is coming over tomorrow night. It is never anything extravagant or even difficulty; I’ve used my crockpot all three times. That way I can start at the beginning of the day, go work on other things or attend other functions and then be back at home in time for our guests to arrive.
Notice earlier I didn’t say that God called or asks us to be hospitable. He commanded us to be hospitable. In 1 Peter 4:9, it says “Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.” Also in Titus 1 we are read about the qualifications of an elder, one qualification is that he must be hospitable. Let me stop right there, some people might argue well if men are the only ones who can be elders then the men are the ones to be hospitable. While it is true the elder himself should be hospitable, it can’t truly happen if his wife isn’t on board. The wife does most, if not all, the cooking, cleaning, and prepping for guests, if she isn’t hospitable then nothing will happen.
Finally the Proverbs 31 wife opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy. We need to be hospitable not only in our homes, but in our communities. We need to help each other, take food to a family that is struggling with illness, job loss, death or some other trial. Give money to organizations that help people, donate coats for the cold, donate food to a pantry, etc… There are many ways we can be hospitable and show God’s love. Please comment and give suggestions I know I for one am always open to new ways to show God’s love.

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